How To Scrape Followers Of Any Twitter User From Command Line
This command-line tool will allow you to retrieve all tweets from any Twitter account without having to log in. Without having to go through the Twitter API and without any limits.
twarc2 is a command line tool and Python library for archiving Twitter JSONdata. Each tweet is represented as a JSON object that was returned from theTwitter API. Since Twitter's introduction of their v2APIthe JSON representation of a tweet is conditional on the types of fields andexpansions that are requested. twarc2 does the work of requesting the highestfidelity representation of a tweet by requesting all the available data fortweets.
Due to the limit rate of twitter API I would like to know how could I scrape the number of followers from a Twitter account with Node.js in a very very fast wayDo you think Node.js is the best solution to do it
Snscrape is another approach for scraping information from Twitter that does not require the use of an API. Snscrape allows you to scrape basic information such as a user's profile, tweet content, source, and so on.
The above code is similar to the previous code, except that we changed the API method from api.user_timeline() to api.search_tweets(). We've also added to the attributes container list.
As I mentioned earlier, Snscrape does not have limits on numbers of tweets so it will return however many tweets from that user. To help with this, we need to add the enumerate function which will iterate through the object and add a counter so we can access the most recent 100 tweets from the user.
Again, you can access a lot of historical data using Snscrape (unlike Tweepy, as its standard API cannot exceed 7 days. The premium API is 30 days.). So we can pass in the date from which we want to start the search and the date we want it to end in the sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper() method.
For my own convenience, I keep a simple script file available that I run at the beginning of any session in which I intend to mine data from Twitter. The script contains the commands to load the libraries of interest (see above) and authorize my connection to Twitter (using the lines immediately above).
Note: Instead of using the searchTwitter() function, this time I will use a function called userTimeline() whichis designed to extract the tweets from a specific user's timeline. This is valuable for our purposes because we are not limitedto recent tweets; we can, in principle, extract many more tweets using this method.
Each person with a Twitter account can elect to follow other people (called \"friends\"). By doing so, the user can see the tweets that his or her friends are posting in his or her timeline/news feed. Unlike Facebook, these friendships do not need to be mutual. Thus, I can elect to be friends with Brent Roberts (and see his tweets), but he might not elect to be friends with me (and, thus, he won't automatically see my tweets). In Twitter terms, I'm friends with Brent. And, from his perspective, I'm one of his followers (but not one of his friends).
Twint utilizes Twitter's search operators to let you scrape Tweets from specific users, scrape Tweets relating to certain topics, hashtags & trends, or sort out sensitive information from Tweets like e-mail and phone numbers. I find this very useful, and you can get really creative with it too.
Twint also makes special queries to Twitter allowing you to also scrape a Twitter user's followers, Tweets a user has liked, and who they follow without any authentication, API, Selenium, or browser emulation.
A couple of weeks back, I was working on a project in which I had to scrape tweets from twitter and after storing them in a csv file, I had to plot some graphs for timeseries analysis. I requested Twitter for Twitter developer API, but unfortunately my request was not fulfilled. Then I started searching for python libraries which can allow me to scrape tweets without the official Twitter API.
One of the most common data we want to scrape from Twitter are the metrics associated with a list of profiles, like the number of followers. The only thing you need is a list of Twitter user profiles you want to retrieve data from, and our formula will take care of the rest.
Let us now see how we can get the tweets by a particular user. This can be done using the user_timeline() method. Similar to the home_timeline() method, this method returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating user or the user specified. 1e1e36bf2d